Quarterback Princess: The made for TV movie from 1983 has teenager Tami Maida and her family move to Oregon http://myallgadgets.com/2012/11/29/however-drugs-are-not-for-everyone/, and Tami try out for the school football team. Despite initial resistance, she gets a chance to play, and enjoys much better pass protection than the primary male quarterback. Her team even chips in to buy Tami a very nice prom dress.. Mook Chivalry: Inverted. While the Shredder is both skilled and powerful, the main reason why the last fight drags on as long as it does seems to be because the turtles are courteous enough to attack him one by one at first. Perhaps they were worried about Conservation of Ninjutsu? Multicolored Hair: Karai has black and pink hair. North Carolina voters should do due diligence on the national security record of Sen. Richard Burr (R NC). From his frequent appearances on network news shows, it is obvious that he is running for re election on his cloak and dagger work as the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which makes accountability difficult to establish.
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