Bottle Episode: “Fire in the Hole” takes place entirely within

In the episode “Friendship”, Shadow Weaver turns two Horde Troopers into white rats after they failed to prevent Adora from escaping a cell on Beast Island. Bash Siblings: She Ra and He Man. Berserk Button: Adora gets very angry when her friends display Fantastic Racism towards trolls. Big Bad: Hordak, though he takes orders from Horde Prime. Of course, he is in Big Bad Ensemble territory with Skeletor, as the latter wants revenge for abandoning him, but also seeks to overthrow him and Horde Prime to take over the Universe. In the toyline, however, the Big Bad is Catra, presumably because Hordak and his Evil Minions were marketed as Masters of the Universe action figures. Big Good: Light Hope, The Sorceress, Queen Angella, and Adora all share this role. Book Burning: The theme and the title of one episode. Broken Heel: Interestingly, while Bow is the one who trips over a vine (as they’re running from a monster), this plays out just like the classic female version, including how he just lies there waiting for rescue instead of trying to get up and keep running.

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