Specifically Nights 1 and 2, where the darkness of the basement can fool a player into thinking that something is coming. Madness Mantra: On the final night, the Tattletails start shouting “NO MORE MAMA!” as they cast their “ritual”. Meaningful Name: Between their battery needs, note (“UH OH!”) grooming needs, note (“BRUSH ME!”) and food needs, note (“GIVE ME A TREAT!”) you, the player, have to go through a lot to keep these loudmouthed tattletales from revealing your position to Mama. This implies one of two things about Tazz, neither very reassuring. When The Beautiful People came on, he started talking lovingly about “finely sculpted midsections and piston like thighs” sure, fella. The best part of the Knockouts, actually, is listening to Tazz describe what’s milling about in his head.
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