‘ Rearrange the Song: “The song” in this case being “No Cars Go

Nostalgic Narrator: Much of The Suburbs. Pop Star Composer: In addition to their contributions to The Hunger Games, they also scored Spike Jonze’s Her. Will Butler and frequent collaborator Owen Pallett have received an Academy Award nomination for the score. Precision F Strike: Or S strike, rather, in “Porno,” one of the only profanities on Reflektor: “And boys, they learn some selfish shit.” Pun Based Title: The title of “Old Flame”, from the Arcade Fire EP seems to refer to an old flame in the the romantic sense, but the context doubles in the lines ‘your eyes are fluttering, such pretty wings/a moth flying into the same old flame again.’ Rearrange the Song: “The song” in this case being “No Cars Go,” a tune from their self titled EP.

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