Watari maintains a computer link to the orphanage he runs, and reports in at regular intervals. When Rem kills both him and L, at the proper time the computer reports “L is dead”. This is a cue for the man currently operating the orphanage to send out L’s successors, Near and Mello, to continue the Kira investigation.
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Valentin replica Show Within a Show: Gaby is a huge fan of the Galaxy Girl TV series. Six Student Clique Sixth Ranger: Rob. Soapbox Sadie: Lenni is a downplayed version of this. She never tries to force anyone else to think her way, thus avoiding the usual Broken Aesop about that comes with the trope, but she often speaks out about her beliefs, especially through her music. Story Arc: Unusual for a serial kid’s show. Every episode would begin with a recap. Tagalong Kid: Casey. Gaby was this at first but grows out of it. Ends up having to take The Slow Path when he finally got too weak to return to 1993. Token Minority: Subverted; there are actually fewer white characters on the show than minorities. This is justified since it takes place in the ethnically diverse New York. Two Lines, No Waiting Unbelievable Source Plot: the basic premise of the show. The main cast is a bunch of teen Amateur Detectives who are helped by a ghost who can cannot see anything but words and can only interact with the world by reading said words and then rearranging letters and words elsewhere to show what he read. Whether he was Ezra is still up for debate, however. Very Special Episode: The episode “What’s Up With Alex?” centered on Alex being accused of smoking marijuana by his father. It even aired with a warning that the episode would deal with issues that kids would need to ask their parents about for more information when it first aired on PBS. It never re aired on Noggin. Viewer Friendly Interface: Complete with ridiculously slow typing. Why Couldn’t You Be Different?: Rob’s father initially thinks he should be more athletic. What a trip!” Alejandro “Alex” Fernandez, Ghost Story Valentin replica.