So that the world would focus all their hatred on him. So that his death would remove that hatred and provide a chance for the world to rebuild more positively. One of the best ways to unite the world, he figures, is to give them a common enemy to kill, and since by this point he feels he has lost his reasons to live.. Nobody is safe, not even turian!Ronald Speirs. The carrier Example, whose crew have been one of the focal viewpoints, is finally destroyed during the Miracle. Commander Ravakian, one of of the Blackwatch viewpoint characters, survives the Miracle, but dies two days before the war ends. Equivalent Exchange: A relatively benign example of this trope. Rather than a life for a life, the Magic Gourd uses magic to swap Wang Bao’s blank failure of a test paper with the high scoring test of a fellow classmate. Being his typically dumb self, Bao Hulu doesn’t even bother to change the name at the top of the test, which gets Wang Bao in trouble for cheating.
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