The Film of the Book: An epilogue of sorts is added to the movie where we see Jack Stanton won both the primary and the presidential election that was not in the book. No Celebrities Were Harmed: The novel is about the presidential campaign of governor Jack Stanton, who is rather obviously modeled after Bill Clinton. Many other characters in the novel also have real life counterparts. Roman Clef: The novel belongs to this genre. Supporting Protagonist: Henry Burton may be the protagonist, but Jack Stanton is the center of attention. 20 Minutes into the Past: Set in 1992, released in 1998. What the Hell, Hero?: When the Stantons decide to leak Fred Picker’s drug use and affair with Lorenzo Delgado to the media, Libby has an emotional meltdown, culminating in her committing suicide.
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Replica Stella McCartney Handbags Adam Quark: The Captain, who longs for glamorous assignments, but ends up picking up garbage bags. Often gets into adventures without meaning to. The Bettys: The Bridge Bunnies, jointly second in command, navigators, and pilots of the ship. One of them is a clone of the other, but both insist it’s the other. Both of them lust after Quark. Notably played by a pair of Doublemint gum twins. Gene/Jean: Chief engineer, with the twist that he’s a “transmute”, with both male and female chromosomes and both sets of hormones. Thus, as Gene, he’s a Blood Knight Jerkass, but as Jean complete with a female voice, she’s a Technical Pacifist. Ficus Pandorata: The Spock taken to the extremes, he’s a “Vegeton,” a member of sentient plant race. He always speaks with Spock Speak, has no emotions at all, cares about no one, and breeds by pollinating. Andy: A Cowardly Sidekick Robot Buddy, he was basically a stupid Marvin. Otto Palindrome: The Obstructive Bureaucrat who is in charge of Perma 1. He loves making Quark miserable. Dink: The Non Human Sidekick for Otto, he was basically Cousin It from The Addams Family IN SPACE. The Head: The Bad Boss crossed with a giant Rubber Forehead Alien. Having no idea what he’s talking about, Quark plays for time by saying it is on a particular asteroid. Turns out the MacGuffin really is there, causing Quark to believe this is a case of Because Destiny Says So when he’s told by the locals of a legend about a Stranger who will use “It” to defeat their enemy. But it turns out that “It” is just a worthless rock and the whole thing is a coincidence. Is a Crapshoot: In the final episode, their ship gets a new computer called Vanessa, while proceeds to turn crazy and try to kill them in a parody of 2001: A Space Odyssey and the Star Trek episode “The Ultimate Computer” Ain’t Too Proud to Beg: When the Head looks like firing him, Palindrome contacts his father for advice. Dad advises him to do what Palindromes have done for generations. Beg. Alien Arts Are Appreciated: Zorgon has Quark listen to his daughter playing an instrument. Every time Quark likes what she’s playing, Zorgon is shown wincing in disapproval, and every time there’s something Zorgon likes it sounds awful to Quark. All Hail the Great God Mickey!: “My ancestors were from a tribe called ‘the Americans’. Archeological digs in California indicate they worshipped, and were ruled by, a fully clothed, giant mouse.” Be Careful What You Wish For: Whenever Quark starts an episode griping about having to pick up garbage bags, he’ll end up in a dangerous situation wishing he was picking up garbage bags. BBC Quarry: Bronson Canyon is used for the battle between good and evil Quark. Boldly Coming: Ficus is ordered to seduce Libido so they can escape. We wait for the bee Replica Stella McCartney Handbags.