Foreshadowing: Axel’s dreams and Pai’s seizures Genre

Curb Stomp Battle: Every single fight against the God’s Sin. No wonder Celestia thinks that they’re all going to die. Death Is Cheap: Anyone killed by the God’s Sin can be revived by the Tree of Harmony. Foreshadowing: Axel’s dreams and Pai’s seizures Genre Deconstruction: The story is full of stock characters for the genre. A Choosen One? Check. Deadpan Snarker for a teacher whose kind of an asshole? Check. The French police are particularly unscrupulous. Villainous Glutton: The chief of police in Carriveau actually gains weight as the story goes on (while the rest of the townspeople starve), which emphasizes how much he benefits from playing for the German side. Cold Blooded Torture: Commonly described as a favorite Gestapo interrogation technique.

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