So, overall the company has done a few things right which is showing in the financials. The market has recognised this in the last few weeks. At CMP of Rs 56, it is trading at PE of 6.3x its FY15 EPS of Rs 8.94 and still seems cheap compared to competitors
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wholesale replica handbags White is notable for the number of times she has rebuilt her career based on playing against her previous image: In her initial phase, lasting from the 1950s until the early 1970s, she became known to the public through her various sitcoms and her appearances on Password (hosted by her third husband, Allen Ludden), Match Game and other game shows. This Betty was a sweet and charming woman, the classic sitcom mother. (One exception to this was her small role as a United States Senator in Advise Consent.) Then she landed the role of Sue Ann Nivens in The Mary Tyler Moore Show, a parody of this sort of character to the point that the creators originally wanted to cast a “Betty White type” in the part. Sue Ann pretended to be that sort of nice person on her TV program, but offscreen she was greedy, bitchy, and man hungry. This set the tenor of her appearances for the next decade or so. She was originally suggested for the role of Blanche, a character more in line with Sue Ann and the character she played on Mama’s Family, but she ended up as Rose Nylund, The Ditz of the group. White reprised her role for the one season spinoff The Golden Palace after The Golden Girls ended in 1992. White’s career since the end of The Golden Palace in 1993 has been playing against her image as Rose. Thus, when she shows up today, expect her to be a Racist Grandma or some other subversion of Rose’s affable ditziness wholesale replica handbags.