Healing Shiv: The Chloromancer features an interesting variation of this any life damage done by a Chloromancer will also heal their party members. Likewise, the Justicar can heal themselves and their party members whenever they deal damage http://jongnederlandreeshof.nl/asexuality-norrells-only-love-is-for-books/, and any life damage they deal has a good chance to grant charges that can be used to fuel their healing spells. The Physician’s description is that they shoot their allies with healing needle tipped arrows. Heal It with Fire: Purifiers. Infant Immortality: Averted by calling What Measure Is a Non Human? on juvenile trogs in Stonefield. Granted, they aren’t fully sapient; but they’re clever enough to run away from melee classes that try to kill them after you take one of their group out. Interface Screw: When your health gets low, your vision gets desaturated and sounds become more muted. Whether this is a good way to draw a player’s attention back to their own HP bar, or an extra annoyance in an already stressful situation, is your choice. Large Ham: Cyril Kalmar, in the Guardian cutscene narrative, is a little bit too proud that you are a Guardian! Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Veras, leader of the Akylios Abyssal cult, is rather fond of mentioning things to you possibly as a result of you killing him as a way of illustrating your character losing a bit of their sanity. One example of note is “this it the fourth time I’ve died opeining my map!” Light Is Not Good: You’d think Life is all sweetness and kindness. Then you see the relentless predation that Greenscale, the Life Dragon, champions. There’s also the problem of the Guardians’ severe loyalty to the gods, and how they perform said loyalty. Lightning Bruiser: Rogue Riftstalkers have the best mobility ingame with numerous teleports on top of being extremelly resilient. Lost Technology: Subverted the reason the Eth are still around is that they had more than enough to adapt to being desert nomads. Loves the Sound of Screaming: It’s implied that Akylios’s ultimate plan is just to do this to all of Telara. Then again, it’s said that he’s not merely past sanity, he’s past insanity. Magic Knight: Riftblades and Void Knights. Nightblades also qualify. Ditto for any of the Cleric’s melee souls. And don’t forget Harbinger, the newly released Mage soul in Storm Legion. Magitek: The Defiant faction is built around this. The term “magitech” (along with “technomagic”) is actually used in game. Making a Splash: Wardens, and Cabalists to a lesser degree. And then, we have Akylios. Hoo boy. Mechanical Horse: The various Eldritch Steeds available to Defiants. I am doing normal human things because I am a normal human.
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