A rich man has ended up paralyzed and unable to do more than

“I Am” Song: “A Little Brains, a Little Talent” for Lola Intrepid Reporter: Gloria Thorpe Large Ham: Applegate Louis Cypher: Applegate Non Indicative Name: The story, which is focused on a fan of the Washington Senators making a Deal with the Devil to make him a star to help them win the League Pennant, is named Damn Yankees. Pep Talk Song: “Heart” Sarcastic Clapping: Applegate mocks Lola’s failure to seduce Joe. Seduction Proof Marriage: Joe manages to resist Lola’s best efforts at vamping him and stays as close as he can to the wife who no longer recognizes him after his transformation into a young baseball hero. His fidelity infuriates Applegate, to whom wives are “more trouble than the Methodist Church.” Speak of the Devil: “I’d sell my soul for one long ball hitter.” Cue eerie music and Applegate’s entrance. Sports Widow: Meg laments that she loses her husband to the Washington Senators “six months out of every year.” Her voice is joined by a chorus of other baseball widows (and their umpire berating husbands). Suspiciously Specific Denial Applegate:If you’re referring to the rumor that in reality he is Shifty McCoy, I deny it emphatically.

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