Because personally I am tired about hearing the problems of others in foreign countries and would like the attention to stay domestic. I am a college student who faces massive loan debts who faces the possibility of entering a job market that isn so open as it use to be. Even though this PBS story is total and utter useless crap, it still a domestic issue, which is where the candidates mindset should stay. United States does not need to intervene in every issue different countries face. We should have never gotten involved in the first place. With Afghanistan still raging on, this country cannot handle another foreign escapade, or when countries cry We, as in the United States, has issues that we need to maintain all our focus on. The world can wait. Second. All the news reports say it was terrorists that perpetrated this horrific murder. So, instead of bombing, or invading the WRONG country again. I sure our intelligence community in a stealthy way (secretly, Jack).
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Replica Hermes Birkin Action Girl Berserk Button: Triggering this is how Megatron figures out who Sheba is by faking an attack on Starscream. Under normal circumstances a Guardian will immediately instinctively attack anyone who attacks their “Guarded One.” Big Eater: Sheba. Also, the Insecticons. Big Good: Elder Prime Big “NO!”: Megatron does this at least once. So does Starscream. Body Guard Crush: Sheba and Starscream Cats Are Mean: Subverted. Cats Are Snarkers Chekhov’s Gun: Sheba’s purrs. Chosen One: Starscream and Sheba both qualify. Continuity Nod: Sheba takes advantage of the “Vanish + Doom bug” when confronted with an Invisible Mirage. Crossover: The story contains elements from Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, and Final Fantasy VIII; including Guardian Forces, Magic, Materia, and Magicite. Curb Stomp Battle: Anyone who challenges Sheba or threatens to harm Starscream will usually find themselves on the receiving end of this. This is worrying enough to Optimus Prime that eventually, he fears that the tide of the war has shifted permanently in favor of the Decepticons. Desperation Attack: Sheba’s Limit Breaks. Expy: Elder Prime is based on the entity in the Autobot Matrix of Leadership that tells Optimus Prime how to cure the Hate Plague in the Season 3 Transformers cartoon episode “The Return of Optimus Prime Part 2” Hulk Speak: The Dinobots and the three Decepticon combiners. Jerkass Faade: Sheba begins presenting this to the Autobots. While she’s not actually evil, she is a Decepticon, after all. Mary Sue: Sheba has a few arguably sue ish traits, such as being extremely powerful to the point of being able to take out three Combiner Teams in one day. Justified in that she has to be, in order to adequately protect her charge from lethal threats. Mr. Exposition: Perceptor. Original Characters: Sheba and Elder Prime Panthera Awesome: Sheba and Elder Prime. Pet The Cat: Literally and figuratively at the same time. Sealed Good in a Can: Sheba, before her appearance. Elder Prime qualifies as well. Standard Status Effects: Sheba often uses status effects to protect Starscream. The Autobots find a way to use Sleep on her a few times. Summon Magic: Sheba really likes utilizing her summoned monsters. She actually is one, when Starscream is threatened and she gets teleported to where he is. Thou Shalt Not Kill: Sheba isn’t allowed to actually end any Autobot lives while carrying out her duty as Starscream’s Guardian. them, however. Why Don’t You Just Shoot Him?: Megatron has known all along that a Guardian had been appointed for Starscream. This is implied to be part of the reason he hadn’t applied this trope to Starscream during Transformers Seasons 1 and 2 Replica Hermes Birkin.