An Interview With Yemina Leszczuk, Nnsa Student Ambassador From The University Of Michigan鏈糿n Arbor

As a Student Ambassador, how do you view your role in the NNSA Consortium Internship Program?
As a Student Ambassador one head soccer hack tool no survey of my roles is to share with qualified students my experience with the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) consortium program. Because I鎶砮 been part of the program I can answer any questions ranging from applying to the program to what it is like to live on site. I can answer questions from a student鎶?point of view and I can compare and contrast the program with my participation in other internships. My read here role is also to let students know about the program and encourage them to apply. Many times qualified Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) students are not aware that the program exists and that it is available to them.

What conferences or special events have you attended outside of your home university?
Outside of my home university I plan to attend the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers?(SHPE) national conference and the piano tiles 2 cheats tool Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) national conferences in the fall of 2010. I also plan to visit at least one other university in the Michigan area during the fall.

Did you sponsor any SHPE or NNSA Consortium Internship Program events at University of Michigan鏈卬n Arbor, or at any of the University of Michigan campuses?
I had the opportunity to be part of a graduate school information session at the Michigan SHPE chapter. During the meeting I explained the value of a summer internship program and how the experience could help develop a strong r闁焨m?when applying to graduate school as well as for full-time jobs.

Have you distributed any materials regarding NNSA Internships to other students, who may qualify for scholarships or internship programs? If so, how do you disseminate these materials?
Emails are sent and forwarded through SHPE chapters letting students know about the NNSA Consortium Internship Program. Twitter and Facebook accounts are now being developed, and a website will make information more readily accessible to students. At the SHPE and SACNAS conference additional materials regarding the program will be distributed
Why is the Student Ambassador program important?
The Student Ambassador program is important because it helps to spread the word about the NNSA Consortium Internship Program. The program is a great opportunity for STEM students to gain work experience during the summer. By interacting with a Student Ambassador, inquiring students gain information from an experienced point of view. I believe speaking with a fellow student can encourage students and generate more applications from SHPE鎶?members鏉ich will help the program to grow.

How were you selected to be the student ambassador?
I was asked to apply to the program along with other students that were part of the NNSA Consortium Internship.

How has your involvement with the NNSA Consortium Internship Program affected your studies or your perception of yourself and your career path?
SHPE has been one of the biggest influences on my studies and on my perception of myself. SHPE has taught me to be a leader in my school and in my community, to collaborate with other students, and to always seek excellence. Using the programs SHPE offers I’ve been able to gain the work experience I needed to grow as a professional while strengthening my performance in my classes. Most importantly, SHPE has allowed me to build a network of professionals with similar backgrounds from all over the US.

What have you learned that has made a significant impact on you regarding your career as a Woman Engineer who happens to be from Argentina? Is there anything you would like for other students to know?
I have learned that it is a great time to be a minority engineer. I’m very proud to be a Latina and an engineer and I hope my experiences encourage other Latinas to go on to be strong leaders. The possibilities as a minority engineer are endless鏉玱u just have to take advantage of them. Programs like those of SHPE and AHETEMS?exist to help us overcome any disadvantages we have as Latinos while reinforcing the bonds we have with one another. I hope other students are never discouraged from applying to these programs because they can be life changing. Getting involved with these organizations can significantly impact your professional life and can help you take ownership of your future.





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