Zen Cart – A Search Engine Friendly Open Source Shopping Solution

Zen Cart is an open source store management system based on PHP and MySQL. It is freely available to the public for use. It has come out as a branch of the OSCommerce software as a separate project. The main differences between the two pertained to the development and incorporation of additional features like the gifts certificate/voucher modules in it and in the architectural changes in the layout of the module. The architectural changes were, in the earlier times, essentially the template based design modules. But, that has now given way to the CSS based design modules.

A Zen Cart developer can make use of the various features of Zen Cart to develop an ecommerce website for your online sale-purchase transactions. Some of these features include the multiple language support, sales and discounts features, local taxes incorporation, multiple shipping and payment options and others. While it gives an easy way out to the Zen Cart programmer to prevent detailed coding for the functionalities again and again, it does require skillful customization using its http://www.shadowfight2hackonlinesz.com/shadowfight2hack modules. The use of Zen Cart and other similar ecommerce carts has facilitated the quick shadow fight 2 hack cheats tool designing process of the websites. You can now have your online store ready in a few days time. The greatest advantage of these software lies in the fact that the pixel gun 3d hack owner of the website can himself carry out the changes required like the replacement of the product photos, incorporating the discounts, setting up newsletters and many others. All in all, the administrator can do everything that can be done on the online store.

Yet another advantage of the Zen Cart ecommerce solution is that it facilitates the creation of the SEO friendly site. With internet marketing catching fever and every one clamouring hard to gain the maximum visibility on the most visited internet resources, notably the search engines, it would not pay if the SEO process is ignored by the Zen Cart developer. All the features of a website which make it SEO friendly shall be present in the ecommerce site as well. Some of these features are:

鏃筧sy navigation: The coding of the Zen Cart is based on PHP and MySql and this makes it suitable for SEO since there is no problem of navigation of the pages. The time taken for loading of the site is lesser.

鏄恡atic URLs: It is possible to create the static URLs that are SEO friendly by using the Zen Cart third party as well as built in modules and add-ons. There are a number of software available for this. Or, even a seasoned Zen Cart programmer can do the needful in no big time. Therefore, it goes to meet one of the most perceivable criteria for doing the SEO.

鏃総 allows you to have the meta tags for SEO for every page, product or category page. Even the image alt tags can be incorporated.

So, with all these essential SEO friendly features, it becomes important facilitators of marketing as well as sales processes.





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