I’d walk a mile for….


Oh – and company.
In fact, I already do this – and even more than one mile. I belong to a Saturday morning walking group that meets early in the morning before the heat (in read here summer) and the rain (in winter) sets in.
We actually walk 5 miles before we’re ‘allowed’ to have coffee – arguably the actual reason we dutifully walk each week. Our regular coffee place easily has the best coffee in Perth. The queues out the door and the expanding premises will attest to this fact.
My husband now calls this group our ‘coffee club’ as opposed to a walking club. There may be some truth to that- but yes – we walk our requisite miles before rewarding ourselves with cappuccino and fruit toast. It’s all about balance, right?
The walking is different in that it is Nordic Walking – click this website the Scandinavian exercise. We walk with Nordic walking poles, akin to skiing on land. This does attract the odd looks and curious (read rude) remarks from onlookers when the temperatures soar into click more details the high 30 degrees Celsius. But that comes with the territory as Perth is about as far from snow as I am from becoming Queen.
As you know, we’re social creatures by nature and somehow the weekly walking, coffee and friendship connection seem to close the deal for many of us. So we get up early and head down to the beach.
In total, on some more social days a 5 mile walk can take me four hours, all inclusive! This makes quite a dent in my Saturday – but ensures a warm and fuzzy feeling throughout.
So, perhaps – I’d actually walk a mile for that familiar warm, fuzzy feeling?
But that’s life – isn’t it?





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