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canada goose In October 2011, Fajar fully repaid the remaining balance of USD44m from its USD100m Notes using the proceeds from USD120m syndicated loans. Fitch notes that the company debt maturity schedule, post the USD100m notes repayment is comfortably canada goose clearance sale covered by canada goose uk outlet unutilised canada goose bank canada goose store loan facilities of USD97m. The short Canada Goose Outlet to medium term capex plan includes modification of paper machines no.7 ( and the installation of paper machines no.6 ( which will expand paper capacity to 1.55 mt/pa (current: 1.05 mt/pa). Estimated total capex for PM6 is IDR810bn, to be spent over 2012 2014; this will be funded by operating cash flows and new borrowings. canada goose
canada goose black friday sale While for PM7, most cheap Canada Goose of the capex had been spent in 2011 and remaining balance of around IDR44bn will be carried forward to 2012. Negative rating guidelines include a sustained increase in canada goose clearance leverage ratio, as measured by net adjusted debt/EBITDA, to over 3.5x or a sustained decrease in EBITDA/Interest to below 3x. Any difficulty in uk canada goose outlet renewing the revolving credit facilities also could put negative pressures Canada Goose online on the ratings. Conversely, Canada Goose Jackets a sustained improvement in leverage ratio to below 2x could lead cheap canada goose uk to a positive rating action, though Fitch notes this isn expected in the short to medium term canada goose black friday sale.