All for Nothing: In the bad ending, Grace can choose to destroy the Pandora, rendering all her father’s sacrifices meaningless. All Just a Dream: The asylum Black finds himself in between memories is only an illusion, as are the inhabitants. All There in the Manual: More details on the events and characters are found by reading newspaper articles, patient biodata, etc.
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Valentin replica Mid Review Sketch Show: A truly. bizarre one occurs at the end of his Pirates of the Caribbean review involving the panda puppet and an Assassin’s Creed action figure. Also doubles as a Big Lipped Alligator Moment. Mind Screw: Many, specially in the photoshopped pictures (as one of the opening quotes shows). Money, Dear Boy:invoked Panda’s reasoning why Jack was brought back for the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie. And he’s probably right. Out of Character Alert: Welshy knows Panda is dreaming because he’s being factual and intellectual. Overly Long Gag: The Meta Rodriguez theme song. Overused Running Gag: Apple pie! Apple pie! Apple pie! Panda ing to the Audience: The panda hand puppet. Patchwork Map: In the Kickassia episode. Reading the Stage Directions Out Loud: In the Kickassia episode, although he realizes this soon after and then does them correctly. Real Song Theme Tune: “Where is My Mind?” by The Pixies. Running Gag: Photoshopping Welshy’s face onto random and embarrassing places. Self Deprecation Sliding Scale of Silliness vs. Seriousness: Panda lives on the silly end. Take That!: Panda takes several shots at Channel Awesome producers and others. From the Highlander Episode: “Now if you’re a video producer like me, you will not overreact, and be reasonable about it. And not do something stupid like trolling the guys that do RiffTrax. That would be silly. (picture of Spoony, who had an infamous shouting match with Bill Corbett over Twitter after Rifftrax riffed Highlander.)” Title Drop: His catchphrase. Top Ten List: The Top Ten TGWTG Reviewers (which just for starters, has only 7 entries.). Visual Pun Your Head A Splode: “Your mind right now boooom Whaaaat Uuuup! Right?” Valentin replica
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