Guilty Pleasure: Rainbow Dash sees her spa treatments as this

It should also be noted, that this trope is generally not too old, and hails back to the era of Frederick the Great (18th century) who received his name for turning the unstable melting pot of squabbling states into the efficient Prussian empire, but until Bismarck (late 19th century) this trope was usually limited to German military. See the 1632 entry below for a history accurate point of view an Englishman or American could have possibly had about Germans. Germany, of course. The thing is, this trope originates with Prussia’s disciplined military culture that dominates perceptions of Germans, but Prussia himself represents this by being a fiercely Hot Blooded warrior, so not depressive at all, even though he’s the origin of the trope. However, it is said his true nature is even more methodical and serious than Germany’s.

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