Obviously increase the base cooldown too

Hashinshin’s opinion on Janna Hashinshin loses it again

All joking aside, I really don enjoy playing against Janna, especially as a Zac main, but I don think she as overpowered as people claim she is. She got a good winrate, but the real issue is the combination of being easy to play, difficult moncler sale online to punish, and strong against uncoordinated cheap moncler jackets womens teams.

In my opinion, they should do one or more of the following:

Give her moncler outlet store shield a reward mechanic by making the cooldown cheap moncler jackets mens partially refund if the shield blocks X amount of dmg, or X amount of dmg within the first few seconds. Obviously increase the base cooldown too. Reward reactive use of shields, while punishing E monkeyspam.

Make E shield decay like Tahm Kench, starting to decay after a second or two.

Lower the range of E, forcing her into danger when she wants to shield her ADC. In terms of cooldown I feel like they made moncler outlet woodbury it long enough moncler sale to discourage monkeyspam, moncler outlet sale in the early game anyway. The other two ideas seem interesting though.

I think her denial capabilities really make Janna who she is as a champ, so I not sure I actually change that.

I always surprised how this never seems to be brought up as much as various other moncler outlet prices points. Janna has some of the lowest possible points of failure of anyone in the game due to how her kit functions: everything she does is meant to deny an opponent their ability to act effectively, and the straightforwards nature of every element of her kit (save for Q) means that she rarely going to mess it up. Moreover, the multilayered nature of the defense/control she provides means that, even if she does fail to hit her Q, she still has her W to kite with, her E to provide more EHP, and her R to instantly reset the fight.

The reason I dislike Janna (and, by proxy, Lulu), beyond the general principle of disliking champions that exist solely to curb aggression, is that her ability to counter champions is, generally speaking, disproportionate to the effort needed cheap moncler jackets for those champions to function. Someone playing a melee carry moncler outlet online or assassin needs solid execution and a good discount moncler jackets sense of the flow of the fight to be able to worm their way into the backline and do their job, something that countered by Janna pressing one of three buttons, two of which are effectively impossible to miss.

Overall, there a sense that you have to play at a level far superior to that of a Janna player in order to outplay them simply because of how best moncler jackets effortless Janna kit is to execute. It the game of rock paper scissors you played as a kid uk moncler outlet where the other kid decided to add “nuclear bomb” to the list (but only for them), and Janna the one with the nuke.

What makes Lulu kit uk moncler sale shine to me is that there are many different ways to use your abilities, both offensive and defensive, given the dualistic nature of her abilities.

She also an intersting pixy mechanic that doesn feel like a gimmick but rather a very crucial tool in a cheap moncler coats mens lot of moncler outlet situation, like harassing undertower, helping a teammate escape while not putting yourself in danger, better range,. and requires some degree of skill to pull off consistently.

Her ult can be a protective tool to knock up targets away from your carries or an offensive tool to help cc the enemy team.

Is she very hard to play? No, but what more important is that she feels interactive and makes you think while playing, because there are many different ways you could approach a fight given the nature of your abilities.

Janna on the other hand doesn really feel very interactive. Your abilities are very straight forward in what they do and how they should be used, and while timing is crucial in getting a good Q or R off, the champ isn mechanically intensive enough that it can get away with cheap moncler sale the simplicity of its playstyle like Vayne or Kog Maw couldYou can critisize people who are better than you, you know that, right? Danny Welbeck is a million times better than me at football and yet I can laugh and point it moncler online store out when he looks like a deer on roller skates trying to finish a chance. Hashinshin is a top player, but he also incredibly fragile mentally and will just go for stupid hyper agressive plays that sway the game in or against his favour, then when he ints his ass off he gonna blame everything but himself and tell riot moncler usa to kill themselves.

One of the things Dopa said in his recent Q moncler sale outlet ability to carry increased so much. If previously bot’s impact felt like 1.3:2 (worth of player), because of gold item changes now it feels like 2.5:2. Previously even if bot snowballed they don’t just beat top and jungle combined outright, but nowadays they just toy and roflstomp them. Increased their stats too much. ADCs haven’t changed that much. Supports just became too strong. Wouldn be a Hashinshin video without a bit of a Gnar rant.

Let also not forget the fact that Janna is so safe, has so much self peel, and does so much to guarantee her team ability to get kills and win fights that buying a Mejai Soulstealer on a champ that builds zero defensive items has been entirely meta for a long while, literally only because the champ moncler uk outlet is so inherently hard to kill that she can stack it off of free assists and have a very low chance of losing them. Which makes it another item that is extremely cheap and buffs her shields even more with all the free AP it gives. Now, granted, buying Mejai on Janna requires a slightly higher level of skill than just buying an Ardent and spamming shields, because at the very least the moncler womens jackets Janna player has to position well enough to not die, but if you have more than a few games on the champ that linked site moncler outlet https://www.monclerdownjacket.biz shouldn be a problem. She too fast, has too much kite and self peel, and too much utility. You can even focus the Janna as a viable counter strategy to playing against a Janna, you just have to hope you far enough ahead (in top and mid, since having a Janna already means bot lane will go even or ahead for the team with the Janna) that her shields aren enough to keep her carries alive. She forces the game into an extremely uninteractive, uninteresting gameplay pattern.





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