“A Toy for Juliette” by Robert Bloch Anachronism Stew: (Harlan, on the idea for the story) “The image of a creature of Whitechapel fog and filth, the dark figure of Leather Apron, skulking through a sterile and automated city of the future, was an anachronism that fascinated me.” Gallows Humor Historical In Joke/Genius Bonus: Benjamin Bathurst, “that American aviatrix”, and the crew of the Marie Celeste. To name just a few. Hoist by His Own Petard: Juliette Jack the Ripper: the Toy. Knife Nut: Juliette. Marquis de Sade: Juliette is named after the titular antiheroine of ”Justine” Person of Mass Destruction: Juliette. Twist Ending
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