Criminal Procedural: A team of con artists setting up shop to

Red Oni, Blue Oni: Jil and Neeba. The color connection comes from which of the ghosts of the tower appear to them. Redemption Equals Death: Henaro. Apathetic Citizens: Seen across both Acts, particularly in Act I, and deconstructed as they’re part of the reason Wily came to power and stays in power despite Megaman and Protoman’s heroics. Arc Words: Several phrases appear in songs other than their own as a sort of foreshadowing. “Hope rides alone”, “We are the dead”, and “Even now there is hope for man” recur across Act I. Merger of Souls: Hollows become more powerful by eating human souls (and each other). At lower stages of strength, this normally leads to them becoming titanic creatures known as Gillians, composed of many thousands of souls and forming the first stage of a Hollow’s existence as a Menos. Occasionally one of these Hollows contains a soul strong willed enough to remain sapient and somewhat intelligent, which takes control and continues to feed on other Hollows to become more powerful.

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