Take That!: While rare, there are a few throwaway jokes that

They honestly believe that if you can’t defend yourself they have a god given right to victimise you that you should be grateful for it as, after all, they’re doing it for your sake. Captain Smooth and Sergeant Rough: Inverted. Sergeant Ocho is as reasonable as a soldier boy can be, while Lieutenant Sayle is a psychopathic sadist. Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Time Peace. Human Popsicle: Killhuna, when his supervillain boss decides to use him as a test subject for his new freeze ray. Intimidating Revenue Service: They can even bully superheroes into working for them. Time Machine: The titular Time Bokan. Trademark Favorite Food: Cream puffs for Perasuke. Unobtanium: Whatever makes up the contents of Dynamonds. Each character has two newspaper clippings: one, which “resolves” their plotline (most of them don’t actually match the bios most egregiously, Karla’s bio states she’s seeking revenge against her rival Eva Gunther, but her ending is “I’m Going To Disneyland!”), you get the normal way; the other, which describes the character doing something horrible to Koldan, you get by defeating him with a Flawless Victory in the match point round. Do Well, but Not Perfect if you want the more satisfying conclusion. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Mullah Abba, who is supposed to be the wise mentor of the game, does this twice before the game even begins.

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