While he wasn’t above doing so himself

Tintin goes to visit Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus at their new home in Marlinspike Hall. On the train, he reads about a team of seven explorers led by Professor Sanders Hardiman (Sanders Hardmuth in the original French) returning home after a two year expedition in the Andes where they discovered the tomb of the ancient Incan ruler Rascar Capac, with the latter’s mummy in tow. A strange man compares them to the Egyptologists who unearthed Tutankhamen’s tomb and claims the same fate will befall them. While he wasn’t above doing so himself, it was always either in order to achieve a military objective or their unfortunately being collateral damage. Gameplay and Story Integration: Gameplay mechanics like percentage to hit indicators or cover indicators are the result of an augmented reality heads up display in XCOM’s helmets. Gilded Cage: The Commander first appears while in one.

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