Now the lure of hunting appears to be not able to leave man alone. The thrill of the hunt, tracking skills, staying upwind of your prey and then of course a high powered rifle to even the odds. That is just the way it is and no doubt will always be? Now there comes a time when all thinking people have to draw a line somewhere, doesn’t there? Now this line is. Do you hunt an animal into extinction, for the thrill and for the pleasure? I am reasonably certain that thinking peoples answer will be no, even amongst avid hunters. But then of course human nature plays its natural course all along the line. This being money and greed. Now if you are poor to start with but someone provides you the means, namely a high powered rifle and promises you money to kill provided you bring back proof of the kill. Now this becomes an entirely different ball game. It’s sadder actually than what you may realise.
Affectionate Parody: A lot of his stuff falls into this vein. One of the above music videos is a half tribute/half satire of the notoriously feuding Simon Garfunkel. Hell, Hot Tub Time Machine is basically an affectionate parody of the entire 80s. Anti Humor: Childrens Hospital in particular has a big chunk of it. Butt Monkey: Corddry’s left holding the bag in his movies and TV shows just as often as he’s the one getting everybody else in trouble. Fantastic Racism: Somehow, Corddry and his collaborators had the idea of making clowns into their own race, managing to actually pull it off on Childrens Hospital. It helps that the program has a hefty does of It Runs on Nonsensoleum. No, Except Yes: Corddry was publicly asked if his real dick was exposed in the film Office Christmas Party, and he responded on Twitter: “My actual penis is a stunt penis, so yes and no.” Raging Stiffie: Premise of the 2008 viral video ”Rob Corddry Has a ‘Broner'”. Rapid Fire Comedy: Applies both to his films and his TV work, especially the aforementioned Childrens Hospital. Self Deprecation: Common thing with him. This seems to come with the territory for people who’ve starred with Jon Stewart, and Corddry is no exception a New York Times interview, he remarked:Rob Corddry: I have a designated bag of all kinds of outdated computer wires, every connector imaginable. I should probably go through it and throw out my USB printer cable who needs that anymore? Do I need two micro USB connectors? I don’t remember plugging them into anything. I’m an Eagle Scout and the Boy Scout motto is ‘Be prepared,’ so I’m prepared. To go back in time.
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