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We analyzed the GS and GFAP expression of five cell lines and found that the expression levels and locations of GS and GFAP significantly varied among different cell lines (Supplementary information, Figure S1). These retinal stem cells do not express the markers of radial glial cells, RC233 or Pax234 (Figure 1L and 1M). BrdU incorporation for 24 h into cells at passage 5 and passage 34 demonstrated that the cells maintained high and stable proliferation abilities in long term culture (Figure 1E and 1H).Occasionally, some cells were observed that express III (early neuronal marker) and high levels of GS and GFAP (M cell markers), with long cellular processes (Figure 1J and 1K).
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Looking for a beautiful hearty dish? Becca shows how roasted squash can transform lasagne. The flavour of butternut squash is really brought to life when it’s roasted and once you combine the roasted squash with a simple spinach and walnut pesto and a creamy bchamel sauce, you’ve got yourself the perfect dinner. The spinach pesto in this recipe not only adds a bit of interest (look at those colours), but some extra nutrition too I always feel virtuous when there’s a bit of green in my food.
This can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.” The participants refused to believe it. Bandujo remembered, “Immediately people said, ‘He didn’t get that fat from just soda. He got fat from McDonald’s. Dehydration Consuming moderate amounts of caffeine has little effect on your hydration status. However, consuming more than 5 to 7 cups of coffee per day may have a diuretic impact on your body. This means your urine output increases, which could lead to dehydration.