Tests also may be taken to screen for sexually transmitted

Clever Netflix users have created different profiles for different genres in order to keep their recommendations clean.To make finding shows easier, Netflix killed off the star rating in favour of a “like” system.”A thumbs up tells Netflix that you like something and want to see similar suggestions. A thumbs down lets us know you aren’t interested in watching that title and we should stop suggesting it to you,” said Cameron Johnson, director of product innovation at Netflix.Netflix is quietly testing another price hike to see how much customers will pay for streaming”You can still search for it, but we’ve heard what you were trying to tell us you aren’t a fan and it will no longer show up on your homepage.”In either case, using thumbs helps us learn even more about your unique tastes so we can do a better job suggesting stories we think you’ll love.”The star rating that has traditionally appeared next to each title will now be replaced with a personalised “% Match” score.Netflix explained that this score is a prediction of what it thinks you will enjoy watching, based on your individual viewing habits and behaviour. It is not a measure of overall popularity across the service..

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