Henpecked Husband: Benkei (okay http://www.vedatis.com/traffic/as-harold-helps-russell-get-up/, he and Tsutsuji aren’t actually married, but she definitely henpecks him) Heroic Sacrifice: In episode 21, Imo chan kamikazes into an antimatter missile headed for Kirkwood. She survives. Nerval in episode 26. In fact, to Senel, he’s still enemy number one. Vaclav is also part of the cause which made the Ferines turn against the Orerines. Chewing the Scenery: Senel screaming “Stella!” Clingy Jealous Girl: Shirley could qualify, with the jealousy regarding Senel directed toward her older sister, Stella. Avatar: An archaeologist who stumbled onto an ancient sentient alien spaceship shaped like a turtle. Unfortunately, in her rush to take advantage of the Turtle Ship’s amazing powers, she forgot the medication for her multiple personality disorder, and now flits between believing she’s various goddesses. While the Turtle Ship can provide the power she needs to play Zeus or whatever, it has limits (and is sane), turning her into a mostly Harmless Villain.
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