One of the best things about being the owner of a pickup truck is having the ability to carry things you wouldn’t be able to fit in your car or SUV, or you wouldn’t want to have the mess or dirt from what you are hauling damage your car upholstery. So if you are an owner who uses his /her truck as a truck, make sure you protect it with bed rails. With the thousands of different types of truck accessories out there for truck beds and cargo purposes, it share more details can be very confusing to know which type of bed rails is best for your truck. I have some suggestions and information that will help you make the best selection for what will serve your purpose the best.
Securing your cargo is very important to maintain your truck bed and keep it safe from dents and scratches that could eventually cause rust to form. Bed caps and bed rails are both built to last. Bed caps, combat the harsh conditions of the top of your truck bed, using either a plastic composite material or sheet metal such as stainless steel or aluminum. They’re specially crafted to last without fading and denting. Pure steel tubing is the material of choice for bed rails, because of their sturdy center supports which are anchor points for your heavy loads. Bed rails having all-steel construction, have the capacity for holding any load in place. Thick-wall tubing is used for the center bar; cast steel for the ends.
For the ultimate in protection and looks, the combination of both bed caps and bed rails is without a doubt the way to go. Using a good set of bed rails will accomplish this. Each model of pick up has rails specific to its design. There is really no such thing as a universal bed rail that will fit all makes and models, however, a universal drill-type set of rails will allow for customizing them to fit your truck’s bed properly, allowing the flexibility of a custom fit.
You may not think style is very important, but in actuality, some rails just look out of place on certain models, even though you may get them to fit. Since the day you bought your pickup, chances are you have been diligent in making it look a certain way conducive to your personality and design taste. Once you establish the right bed rails for your specific truck, your obvious next step is making sure it actually looks good on your truck. Different pickup owners have different taste in types of flare and function. One of the most widely used and popular style has a combination of half and full rails and includes the caps.
Your super-duty truck may allow you to transport the toughest of loads, but all that loading and unloading can easily leave your truck bed rails dinged and suffer from impact damage. Safeguard your bed rails from unwanted dents and scratches by equipping your pick-up with high-quality bed caps. Truck rail caps come in a variety of materials, including plastic, ABS, aluminum and stainless steel. Plastic caps are relatively easy to install, but make sure yours are UV Check our website resistant, because this type lasts longer.
If you frequently need access to your truck bed, half rails may be the route to go. Just like the name suggests, half rails cover only a portion of the truck bed. Since you are not completely covering the entire truck bed, yu gi oh duel links cheats half rails tend to be cheaper and easy to install. Full rails are used more by truck owners who want full length truck bed protection. They stretch from the back of the truck all the way to the front and attach to the stake holes. One disadvantage of full bed rails is that there is no protection to the lip of the tailgate. Truck bed rails deliver more tie-down points for your cargo
The materials used to make your bed rails should definitely be considered. Most rails are made using tubular steel. They come with multiple types of finishes. The use of chrome and stainless steel are an obvious choice for durability and strength. Even though you may spend more initially, it makes them an overall economical choice since replacement will not be needed often. Securing your load by using bed rails, giving you more areas for tie downs, assures that your cargo will have more stability.
Make wise choices when considering products for your pickup truck. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. Swing by and leave a comment, email or direct contact.
I am a NYS licensed Auto Damage Appraiser, CSE certified, I-Car Certified, and have worked in the automotive industry for decades. I’ve had the opportunity to teach auto body repair to misled kids in a classroom setting, giving them a chance to have a trade for a viable income. I found this very rewarding. Previously, I was all about the American muscle cars of the 60’s. Now, I find pickup trucks and the way they have evolved to be my fascination and focus. I truly enjoy hearing from fellow pickup truck enthusiasts, so stop in to and leave a comment on my website or any of my truck blogs or articles.