Red Baron: Paine is known as “The Silver Knight” Scout Out: The “Boy Rangers” after the Boy Scouts of America refused to participate. Sesquipedalian Smith: Jefferson Smith Single Woman Seeks Good Man: The cynical Saunders falls for the earnest, naive but ultimately forthright and honorable Jefferson Smith. Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism: Ultimately mostly idealistic, although Smith has to lose a lot of his naivet along the way. Or, to put it another way, idealistic about American values and cynical about American politicians. Spiritual Successor: To Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, another Frank Capra movie in which a rube from the sticks gets taken advantage of by urban sophisticates, until he rises to the occasion. Also, both films feature Jean Arthur as the cynical girl who exploits the hero before falling for him. This wasn’t a coincidence original idea was for this to be a sequel to Mr. Deeds Goes To Town. After the filmmakers couldn’t get Gary Cooper, they revised the story and changed the main character’s name. Strawman News Media: Type 1! Take a Third Option: The Governor’s selection of Mr Smith, rather than one of Taylor’s stooges or a popular insurgent. That Liar Lies: When Taylor tempts Smith to become part of his syndicate, he mentions that he’s been telling Senator Paine what to do for 20 years. Smith’s blunt response: “You’re a liar.” Unfortunately, Paine confesses that Taylor was telling the truth in that instance. Throwing Out the Script: A Capra staple trope. Token Good Teammate: Jefferson Smith is the nicest, greatest guy in the world, and everyone around him sucks. But by being around him, they start to get better. Ms. Saunders the secretary, the Corrupt Senator from Smith’s home state, they all see the light. Unwitting Pawn: The idea is that Smith will be a placeholder until the Taylor machine can elect one of its own people. Villainous Breakdown: Paine, after Jeff collapses. Expel me! Not that boy! I’m not fit to be a Senator! I’m not fit to live!
Tropes present in Legend of the Lost Tribe: Amusement Park of Doom: Blitzen’s Reindeer World theme park. He plans to use Robbie’s friends as tourist attractions. Big Damn Heroes: Just as Robbie is about to fall into a Death Trap at Reindeer World, the tourists on the ride turn out to be the Vikings, who save Robbie in the nick of time. Grievous Harm with a Body: Old Jangles claims that the last Viking was so desperate for someone to fight, he ripped his own arm off and beat himself to death with it. Furry Denial: “No one wants to stay in huts, they’re not animals! Well, they are animals, but that’s beside the point.” Hair Raising Hare: Long Eared Jack and his rabbit thugs. Horny Vikings: Subverted; the Vikings aren’t terribly interested in pillaging. I Know Karate:Blitzen: Do you know what I practiced every day in prison? Do you.
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