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Hermes Replica Handbags Monde Green: Allen’s childhood recollections of his introduction to religion feature (naturally) very funny versions of these. A notable one is from when he first attended a funeral and misheard the attending priest’s blessing as “In the name of the father, and the son, and into the hole he goes”. Ms. When asked why this was, Allen never gave the same story twice. Precision F Strike. The use of which caused questions to be asked in the House of Commons. It revolved around a rant about all through your working life, you are governed by the clock and when you finally retire and escape from this, what do you get “A fucking clock!” Puddle Covering Chivalry: In a sketch on Dave Allen at Large, Raleigh puts his coat over a puddle for the queen, only for her to fall into a several feet deep puddle, disappearing. Shout Out: A notable example involved a sketch in which a priest walks past a baptismal font, which starts following him. As he get closer to the altar, the font starts shrieking “EX TERM IN ATE! EX TERM IN ATE!”. The priest ducks behind his cloister, which promptly disappears as the familiar grinding noise of the TARDIS is heard. Significant Anagram: In one of his sketches. It begins by anagrams making fun of his own name, from “Eel Vandal” to “Anal Delve” (which even squicks out Allen). Then he fires Take That! anagrams to British celebs left and right. Take That!: Organised religion; although his famous catchphrase used to close off his shows ‘Goodnight, and may your God go with you’ showed he had nothing against religious people themselves. Trick Arrow:Robin Hood: This arrow shoots around corners Hermes Replica Handbags.