Sena is playing a Visual Novel where her character is having

The story was immensely popular and gained quite a following. Of course, like any successful story, it was imitated. a lot. to the point where some creepypasta wikis banned lost episode pastas from being posted. Ate His Gun: How Squidward kills himself in the episode. Ax Crazy: Whoever killed the children. Bowdlerization: The most common version seen on the web actually omits two curse words that were in the original version. (It’s shit and hell for those who are curious.) Note that all of the hideous violence is left totally untouched. Dan Browned: The story claims that the season after the film took longer than usual to air, when in reality it was quicker to air than the previous season. Given that the main character and narrator is a former intern at Nickelodian Studios, they should have known this. Driven to Suicide: Squidward, obviously. Eye Scream: Bloody eyes, gouged eyes, etc. Gorn: One of the first lost episode pastas to do so. Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: The story never exactly makes it clear whether or not the episode is of supernatural origin. MST: BAD CREEPYPASTA has done an MST reading of the creepypasta in their usual cynical and negative style, along with an English teacher to witness the story and a counter for the tense swaps that occur. Is Serious Business: The first thing the narrator finds off about this cartoon is when Spongebob is booing at Squidward’s performance, something he’d never normally do. Red Eyes, Take Warning: Everyone in the audience gets red eyes while booing at Squidward. Subverted Kids Show: The fic is about an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants that involves Squidward being Driven to Suicide and has photographs of disemboweled children hidden in the animation frames. Tears of Blood: Squidward cries like this later in the episode. The Un Reveal: Who took those pictures? Who made the animation? Whose sick idea was this?! Never explained. Although that’s kind of the point with Creepypasta. The first paragraph of the story even points it out: “I just want to start off by saying if you want an answer at the end, prepare to be disappointed. There just isn’t one.”

Happens in universe in episode 8 of season 1’s Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai. Sena is playing a Visual Novel where her character is having fun with friends at a swimming pool, and Yozora nonchalantly mentions that the game would be godly if a shark suddenly appeared out of nowhere and killed them. Sena berates her for suggesting such an awful thing, but then that’s exactly what happens. Sena at first thinks its a joke and that her main character would easily vanquish it, only for the shark to kill him, and she suffers from a bad ending. Rika mentions that this game was particularly notorious in online forums for this ending if you failed to trigger a certain flag earlier in the game. Everyone in the clubroom, Yozora included, were completely shocked by it, and after she recollects herself, Yozora calls it a godly game, while Sena angrily snaps the disc in half.

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