Cycle of Revenge: The object lesson of the film

Animation Bump: Periodically. Animesque: In some parts. Answer Cut: In the very first scene: “What could be strong enough to leave claw marks in solid stone?” And we’re shown the name of the series. Anti Villain: Much of the Rogues Gallery actually, with a handful of exceptions. Ape Shall Never Kill Ape: Said by one of the Japanese gargoyles, “Gargoyle must never fight gargoyle!” Appearance Is in the Eye of the Beholder: The Weird Sisters, who all take the same form at the same time, appearing as a trio of creepy little girls, old crones, aged female gargoyles, or voluptuous young 20 somethings, as befits who they are speaking to at the time, though they can still be told apart apart by hair color (blonde, black, white).

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