Interspecies Romance: Mae and Nick

Fetish Fuel: In universe; one skit has Luca wondering about things that might happen to Ange while kidnapped. Spada gets a little too enthusiastic about the descriptions. Final Boss: Actually a bit of an inversion for a Tales Series game. The Kerns family: Brandon, Bryce, and Brenna. They get bonus points because the parents are Shannon and Shawn. Armor Piercing Question: Jo is good at saying exactly the right thing to say to get through to oblivious or resistant parents. Reversegrip: Musashi. Samurai: Musashi. Shout Out: The ability to cut arms off and the armless fighting were inspired by the Black Knight scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Interspecies Romance: Mae and Nick. It Never Gets Any Easier: Mae is relieved to discover this is the case for her. Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Nick, although by the end he’s arguably beginning to develop a Hidden Heart of Gold.

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