Krampus acts as the Bad Cop to St. Nicholas’s Good Cop, warning and punishing bad children, in contrast to St. Nicholas, who instead rewards good children.. A good conversation with a dolphin about the latest cetacean gossip would be convincing evidence that humans are not the pinnacle of evolution, only the temporary pinnacle of one small twig on the tree of life.We know that Homo sapiens (wise hominid) primates are late arrivals in the history of life. Through various fits, starts, and dead ends from Australopithecus to Paranthropus, through various Homo species like erectus and habilis, to modern sapiens, our lineage is short. Our most ancient direct line ancestors only go back at most a few million years. I Say What I Say: A variant in “The Brain Stealers of Mars”: Penton and Blake encounter shapeshifting aliens who impersonate them, and they have to spot the imposters; because the aliens can read minds, they can flawlessly imitate what Penton or Blake would say. It’s not long before all twelve Pentons start speaking and acting in unison. Blake, on the other hand, is more uncertain, and the Blakes argue with and contradict one another despite all having access to the same mind.
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