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Fake Prada Handbags SubscriptionsGo to the Subscriptions Centre to manage your:My ProfileA Newfoundland and Labrador whale rescue organization says a leatherback turtle that washed up at Point Lance on Tuesday died after eating a garbage bag.Wayne Ledwell of Whale Release and Strandings said the group found the green garbage bag blocking the animal’s gut during its necropsy.”We turned it over, and the organs were actually in pretty good shape. There was no other obvious signs on the animal to know what had happened to it,” he said.”The stomach was intact, and the intestines, and what we found was a heavy duty garbage bag [that] was actually blocking the gut of the animal and laced back up through part of the intestine.”Ledwell said leatherback turtles Prada Outlet, which feed almost exclusively on jellyfish, are particularly vulnerable to ingesting plastic.The group says this was the garbage bag that killed the turtle. (Whale Release and Strandings)”What is thought is that leatherbacks mistake plastic bags, because when they float in the water they actually balloon up a bit, [they] mistake them for jellyfish,” he said Fake Prada Handbags.