Sanders ventures out in a sort of human sized mecha and encounters Panna, a Kinda shaman, and her apprentice Karuna. It turns out that the Kinda are matriarchal, and only the most powerful women can speak, the men and weaker women communicating by telepathy. They give Sanders the Box of Jhana, a Kinda artefact that they think will hopefully communicate the Kinda worldview to him and make him and the other humans leave. However, it regresses him emotionally to the age of about ten. He takes the box back to the base, where Hindle forces the Doctor to open it to see what it will do to him. It gives the Doctor and Todd a vision of Kinda culture, and luckily fails to drive them insane as well. Hindle also manage to enslave some Kinda by making them look into a mirror, tricking them into thinking he’s captured their very souls in the reflective glass.
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