VintaSoft Document Imaging .NET SDK v5.1 Released!

VintaSoft Document Imaging .NET SDK v5.1 Released!

01/06/2012 Rostov-on-Don


VintaSoft Ltd releases the major version 5.1 of Document Imaging SDK for .NET which includes lots of enhancements and improvements.

The Image Viewer allows to display and work with very large (gigapixel) images using progressive multithreaded image loading by parts for JPEG2000, JPEG, BMP and TIFF formats now. Specially designed Image Map provides fast navigation along the large image.

New abilities to set anchor of image location in viewer and fixed / nonfixed image focus point for zooming is accompanied by significant increase in image scrolling and annotations drawing speed.

The version includes new modern realization of PNG codec for decoding / encoding of 1-64 bit images. The compression rate increased up to 40% with a useful set of PNG encoder adjustments. Existing TIFF codec improvements resulted generally in BigTIFF (the ability to read/write TIFF file which size is more than 4 Gb) and visit our website CIELab color space support.

JPEG2000 dragon mania legends cheats hack .NET codec except the ability to display very large (gigapixel) JPEG 2000 images includes now decoding support for JPEG 2000 images with pixel depth 9-16 bit per color component.

Plenty of optimizations causes JBIG2 .NET encoder: performance increase up to 30%, outgoing file size average decrease 2%. Appreciably optimized memory usage while encoding multipage JBIG2 files. Improved algorithm of adding symbols in symbol dictionary and optimized quality of outgoing image (fewer inaccurate symbol substitutions, table destructions etc) in lossy encoding mode.

VintaSoft’s unprecedented test system contains tens of thousands of automated and manual tests specially designed for delivery the most stable version of our Document Imaging .NET SDK to the market. Get started with the new Large Image Viewer Demo which executables and source codes (in C# and VB.NET) are a part of VintasoftImaging.NET SDK setup package.


VintaSoftImaging.NET SDK is the impressive and easy-to-use .NET imaging toolkit for software developer. The program allows you to load, view, process, print and save digital images, convert them to different image file formats, possess enhanced work with multipage TIFF and animated GIF files.

VintaSoftImaging.NET can be used as standalone SDK or its functions can be extended with VintaSoftAnnotation.NET, VintaSoftPDF.NET, VintaSoftJBIG2.NET and VintaSoftJPEG2000.NET plug-ins features in any combination. The combination with VintaSoftJPEG2000.NET Plug-in makes up the bundle named VintaSoft Photo Imaging .NET SDK and offers the essential functionality to handle popular image formats used in the photographic and related industries. The complete combination makes up the bundle named VintaSoft Document Imaging .NET SDK and perfectly suits for usage in digital document imaging and electronic documents circulation systems.

Using VintaSoftAnnotation.NET Plug-in you can add and process various forms of annotations to an existing TIFF, JPEG or PDF file in .NET environment.

Using VintaSoftPDF.NET Plug-in you can display, render, create, convert, annotate, extract text, print, save, manipulate and edit pages of PDF files in .NET environment.

Using VintaSoftJBIG2.NET Plug-in you can view, create, convert, manipulate and save black-and-white JBIG2 compressed images in .NET environment.

Using VintaSoftJPEG2000.NET Plug-in you can view, create, convert and save color and grey JPEG2000 compressed images in .NET environment.

Extract from Features:

1. Imaging SDK for .NET.
2. View digital images and PDF documents in scrollable and zoomable .NET image viewer.
3. View very large images using progressive multithreaded loading by parts.
4. View thumbnail images in multi-threaded .NET thumbnail viewer.
5. Create an annotation collection associated with image.
6. Preview and print images and PDF files with or without annotations.
7. Direct work with multipage TIFF and animated GIF file, TIFF metadata support.
8. Render PDF files to raster images in any supported format.
9. Create PDF v1.7 and image-only PDF/A compliant documents.
10. Search, highlight and extract text within a PDF document.
11. Convert multipage TIFF file to PDF document and back.
12. Decode and encode JBIG2 and JPEG2000 compressed images in.NET.
13. Combine some images and save them to a new or an existing multipage TIFF, JBIG2 file or PDF document.
14. Digital image processing: despeckle, deskew, border detection, blank page detection, rotation, mirror, crop, invert, color conversion, resize, resample, change resolution, histogram, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, luminance, gamma…
15. Supported image file formats: BMP, BigTIFF, EMF, GIF, Icon, JBIG2, JPEG, JPEG2000, PDF, PNG, TIFF, WMF.
16. Supported platforms: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008 / 7, 32-bit / 64-bit, .NET Framework 2.0 / 3.0 / 3.5 / 4.0

More info about features:


Mission of the company is to develop software components with the optimal price-quality ratio for software developers. VintaSoft’s components are intended for usage in end-user applications and help our customers save time and cost of applications development. The components provide ready-to-use black ops 3 cheats ios functionality for digital image acquisition and processing, barcoding, electronic document circulation and other imaging areas. Much attention is paid to provide easy integration of produced software components into final applications, speed optimization and adding high functionality which is responsive to the realities of use in practice. VintaSoft products possess small size, perfect functionality and performance.

VintaSoft Ltd.
344068, M.Nagibina Ave. 33a/47,
Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

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