About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements Check our website using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one’s perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the imagery is a necessity as it allows all senses to more information be encountered. Proclaiming and vocalizing your personal statement out-loud ‘seals your agreement’ with the Universe. Disciplined practitioners sense a significant change within seventy-two hours of repeating the oath. Inexperienced users must understand that it can take a little longer until you find your own rhythm to encounter the magic of will and assertion.
Quiet: Sit for a few minutes alone, with eyes closed and a goal to relax. Calm all thoughts and emotions until you are aware of the quietness that surrounds you. With slow and deep breaths, feel yourself float into this calm energy, feeling your body and mind also adjusting to this quietness. All the noise disappears and you feel at peace. Pay attention to the soundless spirit, as you cleanse and exist with the silence.
Visualize: You may now become one with the Four of Pentacles. He assists you in this meditative practice, to bring awareness of the world that you have created for yourself. Experience agar io cheats your world as his. Envision yourself safely hidden behind large walls, with not much room to breathe, nor grow. Each direction that you look, is block. Whatever you have used as a reason for your shield, make a sandbag of it. If you have felt you’ve been right, create a sandbag of righteousness and one for pride. If you have been hurt, create a sandbag for pain and one for resentments. All the feelings and attitude that you have been grasping onto, name them as you create a sandbag and mentally stack them all around you. These wall of sandbags have been your safety for a long time, keeping you separated from the world and others. This wall has also been your detour and prison, locking you away from all that exists. Completely throw yourself beneath a dark blanket to separate your world, from the real world. Your walls and defenses have you locked away from the freedom that sunshine and fresh air brings to all of us. You can not see what is out on the horizon, or see anything new – because you can’t see past your wall of safety. Feel the burden that you have draped yourself with. Know it has only provided you with stagnation and time to think. Are you still happy to be so-well protected and tucked away with your ‘sandbags of things’ – or are you beginning to feel like this wall is becoming less important?
Visualize your ‘sandbags of things’ again… your attachments… and one by one, begin to pull and tug at a sandbag to create light and let fresh air back in. Announce out-loud what you are tearing down, such as ‘I am breaking walls of sadness down down’, ‘I am breaking walls of sensitivity down’, and so forth. Understand that you have been healed a long time ago, and lost track of time. You have only been existing lately, but not living. What you have been holding onto for so dearly for the past months/years, has no importance anymore, and completely free yourself – using wisdom and spirituality as your protection. You continue to remove each barrier, repeating your affirmation, while gently lifting the wall/blanket to allow light, fresh air, and life back in to your soul. Sit back, eyes still closed, and feel the warmth and light of sunshine on your skin. Take a deep breath and visualize that you open your eyes and see a wide open space of land – and you are free to do as you wish!
The Affirm: When you’re feeling stuck or experiencing limitations, look at your world from an outside view, to see life from a different perspective. Get in-touch with yourself and announce your trusted affirmation:
I stand tall as walls fall down.
I am constantly trying something new.
I am doing as I wish.
I am breaking walls of “__________” down.
Now go get your mantra on!
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