It`s an old, old saying, but it`s true: you only have one chance to make a good first impression. And in email, the first impression is always visual — a consumer LOOKS/SEES before he/she READS.
Imagine walking by a grotesquely garish storefront with all kinds of things hanging off the front porch, every floor painted a different color, and odd music playing through loudspeakers. Would you want to walk in the front door? No way! You`d assume that the owner is a kook, at best, or a deranged axe murderer, at worst.
Did you ever have an ugly looking email land in your mailbox? You know what I`m talking about: an orange background and yellow borders, multi-colored text in all sizes from gigantic to microscopic, a message that looks like it was created by a crazed six-year-old? If you did, I bet you didn`t feel the urge to read it. You probably just wanted to delete it as quickly as possible.
=> PUT OUT THE WELCOME MAT You want your email message to be friendly and inviting, not bizarre and scary. The suggestions below — and they`re just suggestions, not hard and fast rules — will go a long way towards making recipients` eyes say “come on in!” to your message.
-DON`T use COLOR fonts in your message. (Leave that to junior high girls who want to write about Britney and Justin)
-DO use BLACK TEXT ON electric kettle guides A WHITE BACKGROUND. (When you`re “speaking” in black-and-white, people will give their full attention to your message without being distracted by your color scheme.)
-DON`T use UNCOMMON FONTS. (If someone`s system doesn`t recognize the font you`ve selected, they could see gibberish instead of your brilliant message).
-DO use the email marketers` FAVORITE FONTS: Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier New
And please.
-DON`T use flashing buttons or banners in your email! (Your prospects have undoubtedly gotten their fill of “bells and whistles” when they`ve surfed the Internet. They don`t need more from you.)
An “email hyperlink” is just techno-talk for a link in your email to a website, or email address. Sounds simple enough, and it is — unless you try to contact a prospect on AOL who may not be able to receive “clickable” links.
Don`t worry. There`s a “fix” for this: simply type mailto: in front of your email address (no space in between, and include the : )
For a link to a web page, you need to write your link this way: . (And tell your recipient they can copy and paste this link into their browser if it`s not highlighted.)
Today, it`s common practice on the Internet to boom beach hack tool online tell people about your product or service with a dominations hack ios SIGNATURE TAG, which is 3-6 lines of text (usually) that is automatically added to every message you send.
If you`d like to add a tag to your messages, simply open your email program. Find the SIGNATURES TAB (located in the TOOLS/OPTIONS menu in Outlook Express). Follow the (simple) instructions for creating a sig file. Easy as pie…and the results will amaze you.
Copyright (c) 2007 Iren Varga