…a 30-second quiz that could bring relief…
For the quiz, score your response:
0 Not line rangers hack jailbreak at all
1 Several days
2 More than half of the days
3 Every day
In the past two weeks:
___ How often have you felt nervous or on edge?
___ How often have you worried?
___ How often have you had a hard time relaxing or felt easily irritated? slither io hack android
___ Have you felt as if some-thing horrible is going to happen?
Now score 0 to 4 with 0-Not at all and 4-Extremely difficult.
___ Have any of these problems made it difficult to perform your job or interact with family members or friends?
Assessment: If you answered 2 or 3 to most of the questions, you may want to see your doctor about possible treatments for anxiety.
Help With Cost Of Medications: With a physician’s diagnosis for anxiety, you head soccer cheats hack may qualify to receive certain anti-anxiety medicines for $5 for a 30-day supply through a program from the UCSF Center for Consumer Self Care and Longs Drugs.