There are sandy beaches along the Canada Goose Online eastern

Delaware Pictures and Facts

At least 11,500 years ago people were living in the Canada Goose online area now called Delaware. They’re thought to canada goose coats on sale have come from Asia by way of a land bridge that’s now underwater. Thousands of years later Native American canada goose uk outlet tribes including the Lenni Lenape canada goose coats and the Nanticoke lived on the land.

Historians think the first European to arrive was English explorer Henry Hudson, who reached Canada Goose Parka the area’s bay and river in 1609. During the 1600s, Dutch, English, and Swedish colonists settled on the land. These Europeans fought for the land, and in 1674 the English officially regained control of the territory. But in 1776 Canada Goose Coats On Sale Delaware declared its independence canada goose clearance from England, one of the actions that would result in the Revolutionary War. state in 1787.

When the Civil War began in 1861, Delaware was a state where slavery was legal. cheap canada goose uk But the vast majority of canada goose black friday sale its troops fought for the Union, which was the group of northern states canada goose store that buy canada goose jacket was fighting in support of keeping the states together. Canada Goose sale Constitution canada goose uk shop declared all slaves in the United States, including in Delaware, to be free people.

Delaware sits on an east coast peninsula called the Delmarva. It’s bordered by Pennsylvania in the north; the Delaware River, the Delaware Bay, New Jersey, and Atlantic Ocean in the east; and canada goose uk black friday Maryland in the south and west.

The state generally slopes downward from the hilly Piedmont region, which covers the northern edge uk canada goose outlet of the state. The rest of Delaware is covered by the low Atlantic Coastal Plain, which contains three state forests: Blackbird, Taber, and Redden. There are sandy beaches along the Canada Goose Online eastern coastline, and at the state’s canada goose clearance sale southern border, the plain becomes swampland.

Grey foxes, American beavers, white tailed deer, and river otters are among Delaware’s mammals. Birdwatchers buy canada goose jacket cheap could spot bald eagles, peregrine falcons, uk canada goose eastern bluebirds, and downy woodpeckers. The state’s amphibians include barking canada goose tree frogs, chorus frogs, and tiger salamanders. Reptiles like snapping turtles and eastern hognose snakes can be found here too.

Common trees include maple, birch, oak, loblolly pine, and American holly (the state tree). Wildflowers grow Canada Goose Outlet throughout the state, including sweet goldenrod (the state herb), bulbous buttercup, American tiger lily, and sulphur cinquefoil (a flower with five heart shaped petals).

The tidal salt marsh at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge hosts migrating birds including sandpipers, plovers, Canada Goose Jackets American black ducks, and salt marsh sparrows.

Fans watch NASCAR races at the Dover International Speedway, nicknamed the Monster Mile. A 46 foot statue of a monster holds a full size car in its hand canada goose factory sale in front of cheap Canada Goose the track.

The Johnson Victrola Museum displays early web site online Canada Goose Outlet music making machines such as gramophones; phonographs with flower shaped horns; and some of the first record players, which canadian goose jacket were called Victrolas.





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