When they explain why they’re wearing sunglasses

After Lady kills Dred, the vendor yanks out his teeth with pliers. Groin Attack/Laser Guided Karma: Dred catches a bullet in the crotch after raping Katie. The Gunfighter Wannabe: The Kid seems like this, but is actually quite competent. Badass Family: The Fire Nation Royal Family, including Badass Grandpa when the elderly Zuko, Azula, and Mai along with Izumi and Iroh deliver a Curb Stomp Battle to the Red Lotus when they attempt to assassinate Iroh. Big Bad: So far has had a different one for each book. Book One: Zaheer Book Two: Amon Bigger Bad: During Book One, the Earth Queen’s offscreen actions have either directly or indirectly caused a number of the problems during that story arc. Later on, Asami helps to talk Starlight down when she tries to destroy the Time Travel spell, asking her if she regarded Sunburst as being more than just her friend. Art Shift: Upon entering the Avatar world, the Twilight Sparkle and her friends’ physical appearances change in order to fit in with the more realistic animation style of The Legend of Korra, giving them much less cartoonish proportions. Conversely, when the Krew travels to the Equestria Girls universe, their appearances take on the more stylized, cartoony look of the humans in that world.

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