And his films are dark. He’s made a name for himself as one of the most controversial and nihilistic cinematic minds working today, with his movies painting an increasingly misanthropic and brutal portrayal of existence, particularly in the New Jersey suburbs. They’re loaded with Nightmare Fuel and Squick, so by no means are they for the squeamish. God Save Us from the Queen!: With a few twists, quite apart from the obvious one; Argaven is also, for the most part, sufficiently bonkers to qualify as a version of The Caligula. A noteworthy aspect is that Agraven is trying to become a mother, because only a “child in the flesh” can inherit the throne. The Gulag: Orgoreyn runs several of them, called Voluntary Farms. As their troops face the Tao Tei approaching from the front, General Shao and Commander Lin spot the one flanking them from behind in their blades’ reflections. Bling of War: The Chinese Army wears highly ornate and brightly colored armors meant to represent various animals that also reflect in their names, like the Crane Troops for instance. Breast Plate: The Crane Troops chest armor looks rather snug fitting.
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