LEGO Body Parts/Detachable Lower Half/Who Needs Their Whole Body?: Legonians. MacGuffin: Legotech. Mad Scientist: Dr. No Sense of Personal Space: David tends to hug and touch Joel, despite Joel hating it. Retired Badass: Joel Campbell, a former member of the FBI who retired and became a detective. Serial Killer: David Allen Griffin, who loves stalking and killing women in various cities. Little surprise that Amon has such serious issues related to ghouls and orphaned children. Subverted with Tsukiyama, who turns out to prefer the flesh of the elderly. He considers men over the age of 90 to be a particularly rare delicacy. Somebody they decide to call Steve Rogers comes out. Genderswap ish Captain America with lashings of comic canon. Also, the pronouns, as you can imagine, are a mess.
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