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Torture Always Works: Double Subverted, Alastair resists Dean’s torture, but cracks under Sam’s. We Can Help the Bad Guy Together: Uriel has been trying to persuade other angels into serving Lucifer, as he does. He killed the seven murdered angels because they refused. Wyatt’s brother Warren Earp is omitted from the story entirely. Curly Bill Brocius only became leader of the Cowboys after the death of Old Man Clanton. Clanton, who frequently led the gang into Mexico to rustle cattle, was driving a herd back into Arizona and was attacked a mile south of the border on August 12, 1881. Driven to Suicide: Shi Woon Almost. Dude He’s Like In A Coma: Jin le seemed to attempt this with Shi Woon, but her cell phone goes off and she loses her nerve. Dynamic Entry: Its a martial arts manga, its to be expected.

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