Reality Writing Book: In “Read All About It”, the magic ink used in the school newspaper causes any story written in it to come true. This is a problem as Mitchell has made up a story about the school collapsing tomorrow. Really 700 Years Old: Mr. Balding has been working at the school for centuries. Scary Librarian: The Librarian Lady who once used a book to suck in all the students so they wouldn’t touch the books. Stuffed into a Trashcan: This happens to Templeton and Matthews on a regular basis. Stylistic Suck: All the puppet characters have obvious black rods attached to their arms, and all the full CGI shots (not including the mouth movements of characters, which are fairly well done) of characters are blatantly CGI. Sucky School: The headmaster is constantly cutting corners to save money, the teachers are either sadists or idiots, the Scary Librarian does not like children touching the books, the caretaker has been at the school for centuries. Oh, and the entire school is a nexus for weird events. People aren’t odd looking puppets with rods coming out of their arms.
Replica Hermes Birkin Turns Red: Matilda in both Dr. Lunatic and Supreme. Her head must be destroyed three times. On the second round, her head’s protective hide falls off, allowing her to fire her Death Beam faster; at the same time, her tail projectiles have a slightly increased effective range. On the final round, her skull and mouth are blasted away, rendering her unable to fire her Death Beam, but causing her tail projectiles to have an insane range that makes close up attacks near suicidal. In Supreme, Dozer the Dozerian’s front grille gets blown off when it is down to half of its maximum health, revealing a gigantic Wave Motion Gun. Unlockable Content: Supreme contains many additional locations and features that are usually unlocked with coins. Even the World Editor is unlockable content! Updated Re release: Dr. Lunatic in October 2011 and Supreme in May 2012. Victory Sphere of Light: Upon collecting all the brains on a level in Dr. Lunatic and Supreme, the player character will yell a Victory Quote and illuminate the area around them. Bouapha: “I’M KOOL KAT BAD!”Dr. Lunatic: “Huhuhuhu! Get ‘im boys!” Replica Hermes Birkin
Replica Stella McCartney Handbags The Rival: Moo Won to Ji Heon Chairman Cha to his sister in law, Sook Hee (Moo Won’s mother) Secret Psychological Problem : Ji Heon tries to hide this from his father by pretending to be lazy instead of troubled. Shout Out: In Episode 12, Na Yoon’s bad attempt at karaoke is “Don’t Forget Me”, the love theme from Iris, a 2010 SBS Korean Drama. “Shut Up” Kiss Single Issue Psychology: Double subverted. Even though at the death of Ji Heon’s brother appears to be the cause of Ji Heon’s phobias, he also has other issues, like being second best to Moo Won, constantly being beaten by his father, and being fearful of abandonment. Sleep Cute: When Eun Seol watches Na Yoon, Ji Heon, and Moo Woon all pass out drunk. Bromance flares when Moo Won falls asleep on Ji Heon’s shoulder, and Ji Heon rests his head on Moo Won as a gesture of affection. Soundtrack Dissonance: The scene where Ji Heon confronts Moo Won about their (separate) feelings for Eun Seol is overshadowed by the cutesy soundtrack. The fact is, to the characters, this is a really serious moment where they’re barring their hearts out. Ji Heon even tells Moo Won that this isn’t funny. Of course, the scene then turns into a fight, and neither of the Cha cousins know how to throw a punch. Squash Match: Every time Chairman Cha beats up Ji Heon. Toilet Humor Two Guys and a Girl: Used to be Ji Heon, Moo Won, and Na Yoon, before their complicated relationship dynamics Unkempt Beauty: Eun Seol Unrequited Love Switcheroo Uptown Guy: Ji Heon Wimp Fight: The Cha cousins. The battle starts with Ji Heon kicking Moo Won in the back of the leg as Moo Won is walking away. What does Moo Won do? Walk up to Ji Heon and slap him across the face in slow mo, while Ji Heon is daring him to retaliate! It later dissolves into hair pulling and biting. Woman Scorned: Na Yoon Your Cheating Heart: Na Yoon and Moo Won, while she was dating Ji Heon Replica Stella McCartney Handbags.