Based on a sample of about 1800 anime and manga characters (in 2004), the most overrepresented date is February 29, occuring about eight times as often as random chance would predict. Second is March 3 (7), followed by May 5 (5), January 1 (4.6), April 1 (4.4), December 24 (4.1), July 7 (4), June 6 (3.8), August 8/October 10 (3.6), and April 4/December 25 (3). note February 29 is Leap Day. March 3 is Girls Day (Hina Matsuri). May 5 is Children’s Day. January 1 is New Years Day. April 1 is April Fool’s Day and the start of Miyako Odori. December 24 is Christmas Eve. July 7 is Tanabata. June 6, August 8, and October 10 are days that can be written as X/X (6/6, 8/8, and 10/10). so are March 3 and July 7, for that matter. April 4 is written 4/4, and 4 is very unlucky in Chinese and Japanese culture. December 25 is Christmas Day.
Replica Stella McCartney Handbags This trope is usually justified in cases of “cruise spaceships”, where the wasted space is part of the point, as the passengers are wealthy enough to absorb the cost. Another major justification is how technological progress made our ships go from cramped and dirty boats to massive and luxuriously “wasteful” ocean liners, and if Space Is an Ocean, said progress can apply also to spaceships. For Sufficiently Advanced Aliens (or humans at the Crystal Spires and Togas level with access to Applied Phlebotinum), cost would naturally be nearly not an issue. This trope can also be somewhat justified in the case of spaceships that are constructed and operated entirely in space, with no intention of ever making planetfall. Most of the space issues on current spacecraft are due to the fact that it takes an obscene amount of money per pound to lift something out of the atmosphere. Another justification is when the ship is meant to be lived on for extended periods of time, for a less claustrophobic (and thus mentally healthier) environment, along with better comfort for the crew. Replica Stella McCartney Handbags
Replica Valentino Handbags 40 years into the future, a mining accident on the moon has caused a substantially huge chunk of it to dislocate, with the debris settling into various orbits around the Moon and Earth the ring around Earth being referred to as the “arc”. This has made supply lines into and out of space difficult, and the scant few survivors who remain hail from one of two factions; the International Space Agency (ISA) and the Moon Mining Cooperative (MMC). The ISA believes the MMC to be responsible for the catastrophe, and with the last large shipment to space being essentially a big stockpile of weaponry the two sides begin war against one another, fighting for their very survival over the last available resources. With bits of lunar infrastructure in it. Disproportionate Retribution: They should’ve talked. Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness: Very very hard. Pop Star Composer: Finnish Alternative Rock group Poets of the Fall’s Markus “Captain” Kaarlonen did the soundtrack. Quick Melee: A pickaxe will be swung when the melee weapon is pressed. Early versions of the game had a retractable bayonet in the gun. Should you go to low power mode or get hit by an EMP, all you can hear is your heart beating and the bass from your gun firing. 2 D Space: You can attack from above and below, however the lack of a single horizontal plane means that ‘above’ and ‘below’ are extremely subjective. Ender’s Game fans will tell you that the enemy’s gate is down. We Will All Fly in the Future: Out of necessity, with everything in zero gravity Replica Valentino Handbags.