Hell Is That Noise: A lot of the noises that come out of

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A Day in the Limelight: Usually, Marissa isn’t heard as she’s running things behind the scenes. But she’ll take over for Kathy when Kathy is out. A Good Name for a Rock Band: Preston keeps a list and adds to it whenever a good one comes up. Artistic License Medicine: Averted in the show proper they often have real medical professionals call in to help them on topics of medicine. Blatant Lies: Sometimes, someone (usually Steve) will just say outright lies to get a laugh. Broadcast Live: With a few exceptions when they take vacation (and a segment from the previous day aired at 5:30 before the show begins), they do it all live. Butt Monkey: Caseyboy, frequently. The current crop of interns, whomever they are, are usually also this. Catch Phrase: Gadzooks! Preston usually ends the show with “Rage on!” Deadpan Snarker: Steve has an uncanny ability to deliver funny lines completely straight. Failure Is the Only Option: This is how they think whenever they try out a new game on air. I Have Many Names: Preston is given a nickname for for various segments, such as the Noticer, the Historian http://mahmart.com/2013/02/25/the-monies-to-pay-for-the-contract-went-to-the-previous-owner/, and the Connoisseur. Indy Ploy: They do (attempt) to plan games out in advance, but they frequently require onsite adjustments. Hell Is That Noise: A lot of the noises that come out of Nick’s mouth defy all logic. Long Runner: The show has been on the air, in some format, since the 90’s and is still going strong. Refuge in Audacity: A staple for Steve. Running Gag: If these don’t develop organically, fans who call in will usually bring them up. “YOU GUYS ROCK!” “Hey bitches?” “Hey what!” Kathy “moisturizing” her boobs. Self Deprecation: They never take themselves or the show too seriously. Trademark Favorite Food: Casey loves cookies. Wham Line: It was revealed in early January 2015 that Steve had had prostate cancer removed over the 2014 holiday (he’s fine now).

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