UNITEDHEALTH’S PLAN TO SAVE $366 BILLION AP Tom Murphy reports: insurer UnitedHealth Group Inc. said governments can ease the upcoming strain health reform will place on Medicaid systems with about $366 billion in savings over the next decade. The Minnetonka, Minn., insurer’s Center for Health Reform and Modernization on Thursday identified three main areas for potential savings for the state federally funded Medicaid programs, which provide health coverage to low income families with children and the disabled. The report projects savings of about $140 billion through improved support of people with long term care needs. This would include using programs that help people stay longer in their homes instead of moving to a nursing home and better coordination between Medicaid and Medicare. Projected savings also include $133 billion from modernizing Medicaid’s administrative processes. That can include encouraging electronic claims submissions and using new health information technology systems The report estimates the states’ share of the total potential savings at around $149 billion and said some savings could be used to boost payments to primary care doctors, easing a potential shortage there.
Hermes Replica Bags The film walks viewers through several parts, each underscoring that what we call health care in the US is structured badly:People taking severe cuts to their standard of living because they were not covered by health insurance, including one man who had to choose to save only one of two fingers severed in an accident (a modern variation of Sophie Choice, I guess) People getting care unapproved for payment, including one for an ambulance, and another because she didn disclose having a yeast infection years before Medical directors http://ushasworld.com/2012/11/03/new-york-city-is-like-a-modest-universe/, applicant reviewers, medical boards, and “health insurance company sleuths” to deny applicants, deny treatments and even scour through medical records to retroactively deny payment for care health care companies even incentivize doctors to deny treatment Hillarycare and the war against “Socialist medicine”, including a tract from 1960s era Ronald Reagan, and Nixon support for the for profit model. Hermes Replica Bags
replica goyard handbags Abusive Parents: Her mother and father. Her father sexually assaulted her on a regular basis. Her mother knew and did nothing to stop it, going so far as to tell Angela she deserved to be abused. Broken Bird: Pretty obvious by her second appearance. Curtains Match the Window: She has brown eyes to match her brown hair. Despair Event Horizon: Crossed it long before she met James. Does Not Like Men: Due to being sexually abused by her father, and, in the novelization, her own brother as well. Not that she’s especially fond of women, either. Don’t You Dare Pity Me!: She bristles at James’ attempts to comfort her, believing that he can’t possibly mean any of it. Driven to Suicide: James’s final meeting with her in her Otherworld features her ascending a fiery staircase, with the implication she burned herself alive to escape the pain and anxiety lingering from her childhood. Evil Is Burning Hot: This is Angela’s Otherworld everything consumed in fire (and extremely disturbing pictures on the walls). Her dialogue suggests she believes she “deserves” hell and thus the town shapes itself to what she imagines hell to be. Harmful to Minors: Her past is an example of this. Hates Being Touched: Flips out when James even starts to get close to her, even threatening him with a knife at one point. The sexual abuse she suffered might have something to do with that. Knife Nut: In her second cutscene, she’s admiring a kitchen knife that she later hands to James. The usual subtext of Knife Nuttery is absent, however; Angela doesn’t wish violence against others anymore, only herself. Examining the knife often enough in James’ inventory will see him Driven to Suicide as well. Manslaughter Provocation: She killed her father in self defense after years of being sexually and physically abused by him. Mood Swinger: Calm, almost ethereal and timid at some points, and then hysterically frightened and angry at the drop of a dime. Rape as Backstory: Basically her entire childhood was this, with a helping of victim blaming from her mother. Sympathetic Murderer: She killed her father after being sexually abused by him for years. Woman Child: She exhibits plenty of childish behavior, her abusive childhood having severely stunted her maturity. Younger Than They Look: She is actually 19 years old, but her facial features, especially her worn out, tired eyes, makes her look quite a bit older replica goyard handbags.