Malaproper: A common gag, usually taking the form of a

Given that Healthy Morty is basically a benign sociopath, it’s hard to tell if the criticism has any truth to it.Be Careful What You Wish For: Morty becomes confident and cool enough to ask Jessica out, but his new persona is so energetic and larger than life that she breaks up with him, feeling he would quickly grow bored of her.Bigger on the Inside: The toxin disposal tank is a vast landscape inside a container the size and shape of a fire extinguisher.Book Ends: The episode begins and ends with Morty overhearing Jessica talking about Brad with her friends and Rick dragging him off on another adventure.Brick Joke: Stacy is accidentally released from the toxic dimension in the post credits stinger, long after Morty and Rick had both completely forgotten she was still in there.Broken Ace: Everyone loves Healthy Morty’s friendly, outgoing attitude, but he’s actually amoral and doesn’t care about any of them.

Funetik Aksent: Often used in cartoons depicting foreigners or working class people. Future Imperfect: Sometimes played straight in jokes. A variation in an early issue involves the amateur excavation of part of the mud bank of the Thames and historians confidently claiming what are obviously recent items are Roman or Tudor artefacts, right down to coming up with a fake Latin etymology for an abbreviation on a bottle cap. Getting Crap Past the Radar: Hidden in the decorative border on the cover is the figure of Mr Punch on a donkey, holding his Biggus Dickus and grinning was reused by Private Eye as their editorial header as a homage. Know Nothing Know It All: The “Well Informed Men” from the 1890s 1910s issues. Malaproper: A common gag, usually taking the form of a supposedly overheard quote from an old woman, sometimes the actual Mrs Malaprop herself. National Stereotypes: The French, the Germans and the Americans were the chief targets. In a turnabout, it was also fond of mocking how British tourists dressed and acted when abroad. Nations as People: Helped popularise some of the classic national personifications, as well as using one offs of their own. One Word Title: “Punch”. Only in Florida: The early issues, from the 1840s, seem to use Kentucky as an earlier ‘Florida’ every bizarre story from the United States involves Kentucky or Kentuckians. Parody Names: For instance, Sir Robert Peel was dubbed “Sir Rhubarb Pill” and Lord Randolph Churchill (Winston Churchill’s dad) was called “Grandolph” for his egotism. The Parody: To take one example, issues from The Gay ’90s have a Sherlock Holmes parody called “Picklock Holes”, which pre empts most of the jokes used in later parodies, with a lot of Bat Deduction. Patriotic Fervour: Mainly during World War I. Political Cartoon: Produced some of the most iconic ever made. Pungeon Master: Colonel Sibthorp was portrayed as being obsessed with puns. Spin Off: Punchinello (named for Mr Punch’s son). Stuck on Band Aid Brand: In Japan Punch became a loanword for single panel cartoons when it was first brought to the country during the Meiji Restoration. Take That!: In later years, tended to aim these at Private Eye. For example, a table of how to rate celebrities’ fame placed “Appeared on Have I Got News for You (Paul Merton’s team)” one place above “Appeared on Have I Got News for You (Ian Hislop’s team)”. Transatlantic Equivalent: The USA had Puck magazine, which ran from 1871 to 1918. Punch was itself inspired by the French magazine Le Charivari (hence the Either/Or Title). Le Charivari, however, was soon forced to abandon its political satire after it was banned by the French government, reinventing itself as a lifestyle piece.

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